Spiritual Journey
During these 21 days of prayer and fasting, we want to surrender our hearts to Christ for Him to fill and expand us. It’s to allow the Spirit to lead and not the flesh. To grow and be filled.
Bible Verses to meditate on:
2 Chronicles 7:14
Jeremiah 29:11–13
Prayer: Lord, I surrender myself to You and give You permission to speak into my heart, to correct me, challenge me, direct me. I want to lay my will and agenda fully and completely down before you. I pray you speak to me and draw me closer to your presence.
In Jesus Name, Amen
Today we are going to pray the names of God. It is a prayer of thanksgiving, celebration and proclamation. In Joshua the walls of Jericho were brought down through the power of Praise. When we focus and declare how big our God is rather than worrying about the size of our problems, the problems tend to take care of themselves. Faith overcomes fear.
Pray The Names of God:
Lord thank you…
You are Jehovah Tsidkenu - You are my righteousness.
You are Jehovah M’Kaddesh – You are the one who sanctifies me.
You are Jehovah Shalom – You are my peace.
You are Jehovah Shammah – You are always there.
You are Jehovah Rophe’ – You are the one who heals.
You are Jehovah Jireh – You are my provider.
You are Jehovah Nissi – You are my banner.
You are Jehovah Rohi – You are my shepherd.
A thankful heart gains access to the Father. Giving thanks minimizes our troubles and focuses on the greatness of God. Today we want to focus the day on being thankful and giving thanks, not just for what we have but who He is.
Psalm 100:4 (NKJV)
Exodus 15:11 (NKJV)
Prayer: Write down in your journal (or any piece of paper) an extensive list of things you're thankful for - “Count your blessings.”
We need to pray according to God’s agenda first, doing so helps us keep the right perspective and acknowledge our own limitations.
Prayer: Pray for God’s will to be done in your life. Ask Him to direct your steps, ask Him if there is something you are trying to control and give it to him, ask what His will is for you this season.
Are you making God’s goal your goal, despite the cost? Are you fully trusting in God during the storms and battles in your life?
Prayer: Pray for the courage to pick up your cross and respond to the need, for your hands and heart to serve and witness with God’s love and light to those around you.
Your mind, not just behavior, must be directed toward God’s will.
Prayer: Ask the Holy Spirit to help you confront any disabling thoughts and turn them over to God and focus your thoughts on Philippians 4:8.
Sabbath Rest – Give Thanks!
Why is the Sabbath so important?
Exodus 20:1-2
Slaves didn’t get a day of rest. The Sabbath is a symbol of our freedom of no longer being slaves. It is a gift from our Father.
We deny our “sonship” / “daughtership” when we ignore the Sabbath.
Exodus 20:8
Holy = quo’ des - To set apart, it bears His name. Belongs to Him. I give Him this day and enjoy
His presence.
Sit quietly, in silence or with soft worship music. Sit with your Heavenly Father
When we pray “give us” we are acknowledging that God has everything we need.
Prayer: Whatever your needs, pray as if you have nothing except what God gives you for today. God is generous toward His children and will always give them what they need. He never withholds His resources from us.
God can work through us to restore marriages. When we come together in prayer, seek His guidance, He will provide His strength and hope for blessed marriages.
Prayer: Pray for God’s presence in marriages, families, and homes to be present and active. Pray for hearts and minds to turn toward God for restoration, healing and blessing.
Jesus tells us we need to make sure our hearts are right with God and right with others. God wants to forgive you.
Prayer: Ask God to check your heart, to search your motives and thoughts and to bring to light any area that stands between you and him. Then ask God’s forgiveness and He will pour out His grace and forgiveness on you.
In your life things have hurt, sometimes intentionally, sometimes unintentionally. How we handle that hurt determines our happiness, and so we need to learn to forgive on a regular basis. Forgiveness keeps the lines of communication open between us and God and others.
Prayer: Ask God to reveal anywhere you are harboring a grudge, bitterness, resentment or unforgiveness against someone. Make the conscious choice to extend forgiveness toward that person, pray for God’s help and peace while doing this.
The reason people can’t forgive is because they have not fully received the forgiveness Jesus offered them. If you are walking with shame, guilt, and condemnation it is because you have not embraced the fact that you are fully forgiven.
Prayer: “Lord, thank you that you have forgiven me, I receive your full forgiveness today!” As you declare this each day during your quiet time your heart will receive it and believe that you are truly forgiven.
Taking a stand against the enemy is so important in every aspect of your life. Every lie that the enemy has told you should be replaced with the truth of God’s Word. Prayer is not only communion with God, it is confronting the enemy.
Prayer: Take time to put on your armor of God and give to God where you are being attacked right now, what is out of control, is there fear in your life? Be honest with God and ask Him to intervene.
Praying against strongholds for family and community; praying for salvations.
Prayer: Make a list of those you are praying for their salvation and pray for them to be surrounded by people who shine God’s light and love. Pray for them to hear their Heavenly Father’s calling and for hearts to be softened.
When we Rest we don’t worry. When we Rest we don’t fear.
Isaiah 40:31
Psalm 46:10
Sit quietly, in silence or with soft worship music. Sit with your Heavenly Father today for 30
minutes. Take in His creation and let the Holy Spirit refresh you.
Our leaders need God’s wisdom and to be covered in prayer.
Prayer: Pray for our leaders and those in authority: pastors, local government, teacher, state and federal government, law enforcement, military. Pray for them to step into God’s will for their lives and ultimately the people they serve.
Praying for our Community missionaries.
Road to Hope – food pantry in St Joseph
Hope House – men’s aftercare rehab home
Emily Andrus Home – women’s life recovery program
Haven of Rest – homeless shelter
Alternatives of Battle Creek – serving the unborn and families
Prayer: Pray for open doors, boldness, that God’s Word will spread, protection, effective ministry.
Praying for our global missionaries
Pastor Abraham – India – Christ for India
Pastor Donald Soriono – Philippines – Bethesda Ministry International
Creagon Muldune – Indonesia - YWAM
Rick Renner – Soviet Union – Rick Renner Ministries
One for Israel
Pastor Michael Shead – Guatemala – Reach World Mission
John Vereecken- Mexico – Global Outreach
James DeMelo Ministry
Crisis Aid International US Refuge
Living Hope
LINC – church plant
Prayer: Pray for open doors, boldness, that God’s Word will spread, protection, effective ministry.
When we pray for our children/next generations, God moves on their behalf.
Prayer: Pray protection over our children. That they grow in wisdom, favor, and obedience. Pray for their health, education, and that their gifts/talents grow to be used to shine God’s light to others. Pray for their minds to be saturated with God’s truth.
Ask God how He can use you to reach those that are still searching for Him. What are your next steps?
Prayer: Pray and ask God to touch your heart so that it longs for salvation of those that are lost.
I give myself in worship to you, Lord!
Prayer: Pray with faith of thanksgiving and joy in how amazing, limitless, and glorious your Heavenly Father is in every way!