“I have come to give you life and life more abundantly.”
John 10:10
Sunday Services
The Worship
Sing and reflect on all the great things God has done in your life. Find peace by giving God all your worries and worshipping Him.
Listen to our worship album.
The Teaching
When Jesus taught, He often used illustrations from the current culture to help people understand God’s Word and how to apply God’s Word to everyday life.
Watch our weekend service.
The Call
True peace, joy, and purpose come from asking God into your life and building an intimate relationship with Him daily. If you have any doubt, today, you can know for sure…discover
There’s More to Life!
Our Beliefs
We believe the Bible is the inspired, infallible, authoritative Word of God without error in the original languages.
We believe that regeneration by the Holy Spirit is essential for the salvation of the lost and that this salvation is wholly by grace through faith.
We believe in the ordinance of Baptism in water (by immersion) in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, on the authority of Jesus’ name. We also believe in the ordinance of Holy Communion.
We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His vicarious and atoning death, His complete conquest over the powers of Satan, His bodily resurrection and ascension to Heaven at the right hand of the Father, and His imminent return in the same manner as He ascended.
We believe that healing was provided for the spirit, soul, and body in the atonement of Jesus Christ.
We believe marriage is defined as the covenant between one man and one woman in holy matrimony. It is the earthly expression of the unity of Jesus Christ and His church.
We believe in the sanctity of life – we are Pro-Life. We are strongly committed to preserving and defending unborn human life, which compels our religious, moral, and ethical duty to defend unborn, human life.
Victory Life Church is an independent, non-denominational, charismatic church, and an affiliate of Resurrection Life Church. Victory Life Church is a Senior Pastor led structure with accountability and oversight at three different levels.
Local Elder Board
The Local Elder Board consists of eight members of Victory Life Church.
Oversight Elders
The Oversight Elders provide specific wisdom, accountability, and pastoral oversight to the Lead Pastor and Local Elder Board.
Addition Oversight
Pastor James holds himself accountable to a group of Senior Pastors.
We would love to answer any questions you have!
James Sunnock
Lead Pastor
Matt Slocum
Executive Pastor
Jon Major
Executive Pastor
Ralph Cates
Pastoral Care
Justin Smelter
Next Gen Pastor
Gretchen O'Dell
Business Administration Pastor
Caleb Sunnock
Worship Pastor
Terri Evans
Children’s Pastor
Casey Eash
Worship Pastor
Mike Gancer
St Joe Campus Next Gen Pastor
Luke Peck
St Joe Campus Pastor
Amanda Hammond
Executive Assistant
Beth Cannon
Finance/Executive Assistant
Jon Martin
Director of Maintenance
David Sunnock
Director of Marketing
Elijah Peck
Director of Production
Caleb Minear
Content Creator
Brandon Larner
Jillian Minear
Children’s Ministry Assistant
Randy Simmons
Nick Heikkila
Youth Ministry Director
Kasey Palmer
Life Groups Director
Sam Cifuentes
Worship Leader
Stephanie Nower
Administrative Assistant
Mike Larner
Pastor Matt Slocum
Pastor Ralph Cates
Brenton Riegel
Mike Travis
Shawn Busse